Enough already

M – I have at least 4 or 5 drafts that I never finished are are too old now to be relevant *embarrassed cough*. As such, I reject polishing them to what I feel is publishable and am just putting up a jumble of pictures. In addition, I am forgoing my usual attempts to keep it fair by having a similar number of pictures of each. (Note: I tried but I ended up assembling them into a semblance of chronological and connected thoughts).

I do not remember what I put in prior posts and refuse to look back to see. I spend enough time fixing, categorizing, and otherwise organizing the many thousands of pictures and movies we have and continue to upload constantly. By the time I am ready to post some in a group, too many hours have gone by. That may be a weak excuse and similar to one used in the past, but again, this is my blog. I feel guilty enough having taken so long between posts as it is.


Canada Day picture. You can tell by the red and white outfits.

Like the prior year, we went to a petting farm and they (mostly) loved it.

Souris Swinging Bridge.

(Souris is in Manitoba)

We had just dropped Mango off for a week-long sleepover at Grandma’s house (first ever sleepover), and to appease the others, we tried doing something they couldn’t do at home (we walked the Swinging Bridge). So, were they at all having fun? Were they  impressed/scared/apprehensive/bored/enjoying the view? Still don’t know (although they did seem to have fun running along the swaying causeway. However, we didn’t go to the Butterfly Museum (house-sized) across the muddy parking lot. I am not sure what they would make of looking at many dead butterflies pinned in place behind glass instead of flying around outside, enjoying the weather.

Perfect shot (both camera and Nectarine’s).

Nice summer day. Lots sun and water and mosquitoes. Thinking about it, I realized few adults seem to enjoy running under a sprinkler in the summer. After all, children usually love it.

What happens to use as we lose our youth?

I’m a hot dog!

Looking back, I don’t remember rolling down bumpy hills to be nearly as exciting an fun as it looked when other people did it.

Another busy day out in the sun

Summer days are okay, but when you add a fun activity…

Huge trampolines and foam pits. Enough said.

Sky Zone was a blast. They fell asleep on the that van ride home too. 🙂

Playground vs. gravel on ground. No contest

It’s a good thing there are a number of playground and wading pools (and a much-used library) within walking distance. Even a splash pad about 5 minutes away by van.


Lemon (he is 3) at the perfect age for wading pools now. Nectarine (aged 5) still really enjoys them too. Mango (already 7) likes them mostly on the very hot summer days.
A sardine in a fish.
Carnivals. Old enough to go on any ride, young enough to enjoy them

Our children are creating more of who they are so fast, its amazing to see.

  • Mango loves art and reading even more (no surprise there – she was a big help in setting up Lemon’s 3rd birthday party). She also makes a good mother and leader (although she can easily get carried away)
  • Nectarine, the one who delves right in to be hands on whenever possible, doesn’t love doing puzzles, but often asks to wear skirts/dresses (Mango prefers shorts). She does like reading a lot, she just takes her time and usually prefers if we read to her (although she enjoys reading to Lemon).
  • Lemon, while physical and always wants to show how strong he is, still enjoys wearing dresses (although not as much now). He is the only one who’s favorite color hasn’t changed – ever (it’s still yellow). He like to pretend he can read, is quite articulate and enunciate very clearly (although he says things like zink [sink], van [fan], and stoopstall [stepstool]).

Okay. The girls were Mud Hero Kids this summer and want to go back next year (the mud-caked arms may hint that they had troubles traversing the mud pit). 🙂

Are we really heroes?
Something to remember the day.

D went along with them to help where needed. My job was to stay off the course and take care of Lemon while taking pictures (pushing a recalcitrant stroller in the rain over high grassy slopes, muddy paths, etc. trying to get pictures as they traversed the course, was no fun at all). The worst part of the day by far was when I lost Nectarine’s glasses – somewhere. I was useless in finding them. Ever so fortunately, D found them. Huge sigh of relief.

It was another packed and tiring day
Playing Superheroes on our lawn

I skipped so much here, but the post is big enough already. For example, I put nothing in here about our 3 day beach trip (first ever & they loved it).

M – hope you enjoyed your summer too.

Times are changing.

M – Right now, our life is about our children. In time that will have to change though. we will no longer be central to their lives, likely quite the opposite. We do what we can, be is certainly not easy (and I’ve been told it just gets tougher).

Anyway. let us peek into a glimpse of life in the present and see what they’re up to.

Lemon’s first night in his bed.

April 9th was Lemon’s first night out of the crib and in his very own bed. To keep him in there and not go wandering the halls and/or falling down stairs in the wee dawn hours, D had the great idea to tell him that if he left his bed, he’d go back to sleeping in his crib. It’s been almost 2 weeks now and we’ve never had the slightest issue regarding that. Even when he is awake and sees me go by to rouse another child,  he waits patiently for me to get him without leaving his bed.

A rare photo of a smiling Lemon
Being silly for the camera.
Mango loves the camera. For once, Nectarine wanted to squeeze in.
A water table. What child doesn’t like playing in water?
Mango’s latest castle, swimming pool included.
This is our house, as seen through Nectarine’s eyes.

That last drawing is one of her best nonfictional ones. I was quite impressed. I am on the lower left (bald it seems) sitting at our table, D is on the lower right (with quite the ‘do). She made sure to include all our fingers (somewhat splayed). The upper right shows Lemon in his crib, crying for mommy. The upper middle is Nectarine asleep in bed. The one on the upper left is Mango in bed with her covers on (I actually thought she was in the bath tub, that just goes to show what little I know 😉 ) .

M – While they may be cute and charming now, the present does not mirror the future, it only gives them the tools to open up better doors in the future. It looks like they are hard at play to fill their future with possibilities.


M – Our children are growing up fast. That is not surprising nor is it news, but being in the midst of it makes one less aware of the changes. That is, until something happens that makes you pause. Thus, the title of this post. Mysterious.

A few days ago, Lemon (about 2 1/2 years old) had troubles opening a bag of candy. He paused, looked thoroughly over the bag and then just said “mysterious” before working on it some more, opening it shortly thereafter. Still very concrete minded, he gets upset when people call him something other than his name (I an NOT xxxx, I am LEMON!)

He tends to say things I don’t expect to hear from such a young mouth. A few months ago, D was looking for a book to read him. He kept saying no to her picks until he was presented with one he liked. When asked if she could read that one to him (for the umpteenth time), he replied “you surely can” (or “of course you may” or some similar iteration) instead of a simple ‘yes’ or head nod. Very articulate young man.

All our children are growing and learning and pushing out some more.

  • Lemon is no longer a lump who didn’t really know (nor care) about the world around him and this made it easy to lug around on errands. He now has friends he prefers to play with and still remains fiercely protective of his sisters. He continues to be stubborn; though while fighting having to use his pull-ups, he is pretty good at going potty (better than Nectarine at this age, I think).
    The belle of someone else’s party.
    Eating a cookie he helped make (by adding the sprinkles)
    Eating a cookie he helped make (by adding the sprinkles).
    Giddyup horsie.

    In the first picture above, he was at a birthday party that encouraged coming in a costume. Needless to say, he was the only male there in a princess outfit. It was great. 🙂 Besides, how many boys’ costumes feature that much yellow?

  • Nectarine no longer is content to remain passive. For her birthday, she enjoyed standing in front of a crowd whilst being serenaded by her friends and family (and blowing out her candles too). She is friends with her entire class as well as those in the room beside her (and some people from other classes too).
Everyone look at me! It’s my birthday and what I say goes…for now.
It’s tough and tiring work being 5.
  • Mango is still blossoming (even while quietly testing boundaries). Ever outgoing, she invites other children to play with her before she asks their name. In addition, she volunteers her name/age, as well as those of family around her (and how she is related), along with where they came from and what is presently going on in our lives). Definitely Grandpa #1 there (he was extremely gregarious). She even told me she has some friends in grade 5. She is friends with an older lady about 10 houses down, getting invited in and asking her about her travel plans and her living arrangements, etc.
April 9th was her first day wearing glasses. She loved them.

Now Lemon is the not the only child in our family wearing glasses (both D and myself wear glasses and have done so for a very long time). Granted, Mango’s prescription is mild enough to barely warrant being needed, but better safe than sorry. Even though the picture shows her being silly, she felt more grown up after getting them.

Making herself at home on Opa’s lap.

She always wants to be a part of the action and seems to thrive on (positive) attention. She has no qualms about telling people to applaud after her many impromptu performances.

M – They are very unique. Maybe even mysterious… 😉



M – This post is long overdue, but I just found a few pictures of the event.

Ah. That ubiquitous predawn ritual of shaking parents awake to join in the holiday fun. Seems eerily similar to Christmas morning.
Helping Lemon find an egg.
Hey, you never know where the Easter bunny hides eggs.
Showing us their spoils.

Have I mentioned before that Lemon’s favorite colour is yellow? He loves it with a passion 🙂

M – Happy belated Easter.

Spring Forward, Fall Back, right?

M – Anyway, I’ve a post that has needed finishing since the first of March, but this is a time that only comes once a year. In Spring, there can be found a delicate balance of ice to water to temperature (and sun) that causes big puddles for a few days yearly. We have ‘splash’ pants that get used a handful of times every year; something a part of their Spring childhood as the melting snow, the returning geese, and the emerging grass (and inequitable mud).


Nectarine put herself (quite seriously) in the role of looking for vehicles coming towards us, even if they were very far away.

Mango declined to go puddle-jumping at first (she read inside instead), but by the 2nd time, she was right out there with freezing hands and boots full of ice-water.

Every serious Splasher needs their bucket. Who knows what you might find?



Nectarine had the most fun but ironically was the first asking to go inside (too cold and wet).

Would you like a spot of tea dear? One lump or two?

An elegant tea party is essential cap of a day of vigorous activities.

Wow. Isn’t nature amazing?

Final picture. Mango found a twig outside. One that waited all Winter to be found by a curious young girl in awe.

M – Sidewalks are plain, open, and boring, Alleys have so many hidden places to explore. So many things to do. So many ways to spark their imaginations. So go out there and take a deep breath of Spring air to start your new year.


Separately together

M – Okay, so our children do their own things. That does not mean that they do not spend time together and have lots of fun doing so. Still, their horizons are expanding.

Mango’s First time skiing

Mango went skiing last weekend and loved it. After about 4 or 5 guided trips down the bunny hill, she wanted to try it herself. So, while waiting for the instructor to come back up the hill (he was helping another student), she went off by herself (with D nearby) to the midway point down the hill. She then walked back up to meet the instructor for another go (all the way down). By the end of the day she was flying down the hill without guidance, although she still needs to learn how to turn. 🙂

Lemon showing us the ball he built all by himself using magnetic triangles and squares.

Everyone is growing up so fast. Lemon is showing his independence (he likes to say ‘NO’ a lot). He is testing his boundaries, but not ready to leave the safety of his mommy. While ‘NO’ may be seem to be his favorite word, I think he still says ‘mommy!’ more often.

Nectarine seems to like her glasses (our positive spin seems to have worked), and while she is a more shy than Mango, she is certainly emerging as a strong person.

family (34)
Playing coy with the camera
Having fun with one of my sweaters

There’ll be more pictures, but if I figures some were better than none and since I tend to try to make my posts have a common thread throughout them, if I keep on doing that, I’ll never post anything. When I sit down to add a post, I first work on organizing the pictures we have. By the time I’ve tidied them up (and then only some of them), too much time will have gone by for me to have the energy to slap something up here.

M – That’s my story. Enjoy.

Importance of Family

M – While I was gone for over two weeks in early January (missing Mango’s 7th birthday party), I felt strangely detached from life. In the hospital, food rotates very 2 weeks – which seems fine, but becomes – well – bland.

Coming home on the other hand, I did not know if I was up to reality. How could I not miss these three though?

family (26)
Managed to catch Lemon smiling that day – a rare but happy moment.

I will not show any boring selfies right now. Montreal seemed like a great place to visit – from my hospital bed (although I hear the winds got pretty penetrating on those steep hills which left no place to hide).

Getting married; alive with joy and an open future19103658-E30-0337


expanding some more, to a new (ever ongoing) future.


Just happy to be here.

Smiles, M

Snow Suspense Sated. –> (Previously ‘Weather the weather’)

*Note – this post began November 20th. Wow. I am further behind than I thought.*

M – Weather used to change rapidly here – snowing before Halloween etc. – but it felt worse this year as Winter this year took quite a bite out the stubborn scraps of Autumn still holding out. I was raking cold leaves mid-November, watching flocks of geese forging their way south, children searching out bug life in the grass – specifically for ladybugs, the wind scurrying around bare trees to smack you in the  face – from every direction. Two days later, I was shoveling snow in a fight against the flurries cascading down in the icy winter air. Considering how light it felt as it fell, the snow was surprisingly heavy and no fun to shovel.

  • Of course, as I type this, the grass is making its presence known and the snow has retreated – preparing for a blitz, no doubt.

We had just put away our bikes  and rakes … yet again. Sheesh. In fact, as I typed this on November 15th, there were no pictures of our children having fun in snow. (The ones below and some comments have been added since.)

From this…

I’m a Fire Captain off to save the world, one fire at a time.

… to this…

Cold snowy days have a lot more appeal as a child

…in 2 days.

Succumbing to snow sampling.

I have noticed over the past months (as Autumn transitioned to Winter) that it has been harder to have all three children in a picture together. It used to be Mango and Nectarine playing together; now it is Nectarine and Lemon. Mango is off reading a book/colouring, writing in her secret diary, etc. Mostly reading though.

M – As my sister said, being a middle child was great as she could chose which sibling to play with. ‘Nuff said.


M – I have to keep reminding myself of their differences. For example;

  • Nectarine and I were reading a book (You Read To Me, I’ll Read To You), which was going slowly but nicely (it alternates between two people reading aloud the rhymes as part of various stories – I quite like it) . Still, she often reads books she know by heart to Lemon.
  • Mango was talking to me later about her starting to read french and was reminiscing about how she was just starting to sound out words from books at 4 1/2 and only really began reading chapter books independently around a year later. She has moved to simple French books (she’s in a French Immersion school) and the vice-principal this year has started her on (English) non-fiction books which she seems to really enjoy. She was finding the regular books too boring.
  • Lemon has memorized some books – talk about a lot of tedious rereading of the same one or two books all day long. He doesn’t read, but he sure wants to. 🙂

This makes life at home more challenging, but it is great to talk about such a wide range of topics with our children.

All this being said, while they love school, learning, and soaking up information, while it may give them a slight advantage now, when they look back in a decade or more, will it really have been a monumental life changing series of moments?

Now, some visual enjoyment.

What is better than seeing how completely relaxed they are. Outside. In the cold Fall.

That picture does not show me raking leaves into a pile yet again (the 5th or 6th time that day and the afternoon was only half over – and it doesn’t include the blanket of leaves on the front lawn).

I think he found a ‘Lady’ (ladybug), which have been common this Autumn, much to our children’s delight.

The tree hug could’ve been a symbol for how precious nature is. Personally, I think he was just being silly. Surprise.

Some precious ladybugs.

They look books, playing, exploring, getting dirty, and more. What can I say. They are children. Life is good

Isn’t this a great leaf? I want you to have it.

Yet another leaf. It’ll fit in my pocket with all the other unique ones already found in the last 5 minutes.

She loves new looks. Even the silly ones.

She is a fashionista/diva/drama queen, prone to make any slight against her (intentional or not) a world crisis.

Finally, a rare picture of the 5 of us. I am happy though that we finally have a nice family picture on here. ❤

Us as we are. A happy family, lots of love.
M – This post started as a simple slice of our life. Somehow it went further and further astray from the original topic. Enjoy of it what you will.

Morphing and moving on.

M – Now that summer is over and school has begun, all the activities our children were in are over.

So, they have now begun winter programs. Mango is in dance, swimming, and skating. Nectarine does all three also, although she swims twice a week (weekend classes & at school). That burns off some of their abundant energy :P. As for Lemon, all he wants is ‘Mommy‘, which is composed of having her make his food, serve it, change him, dress/undress him, bathe him, hold him, let him hold her, … well, you can see where that is going. To top it off, since I started this post, he has restarted teething (the molars – which are a real pain – literally and figuratively).

Mango is now learning French (immersion), making this the third school she has been in the last three years. Go figure. She makes friends easily and seems to be a good influence wherever she attends; however when I asked her what her favorite part of school is, she forgoes recess and playing with friend for learning. Let’s hope this continues (I guess friends and recess may be seen as a given, not something extra) .

He …um… graduated from daycare last year.

What’s to say here? It was a rough week or two adjusting, but now he is one of the most popular children in his class and grasps things quickly. (Not to mention, the teachers say ‘he is sooo cute’).

Wow. I’m in real school. (I guess it is a valid precursor).

I’ve been told Nectarine and a fellow schoolmate are hard workers and the teachers wish all her students could/would be like her (I’m sure they say that a lot, so I take it with a grain of salt).

I’m in an actual school!

The biggest thing here is that Mango is still hungry to learn more. And more. And more…phew.

Below is an example of one of the things Mango did (by choice) over the summer holidays (even to where she made sure the number of legs each beetle/betel was correct).

Did you know that? Isn’t it amazing?

Since Nectarine got glasses (a week before school started up), she seems fine with (lots of positive spin on our part 😉 ). Lemon is emulating her to the point where he wears glasses too. As they are sunglasses, it makes it tough for playing indoors, but he doesn’t seem to mind (although he has taken them off a few times saying he couldn’t see anything).

For some reason he liked wearing them upside down.

Once again, I have missed months of interesting times. There is a dearth of Halloween pictures (just throwing in one here right now to assuage my guilt).

Nectarine – I still love being a pumpkin. Mango – being a witch never grows old. Lemon – shh, I’m a plane – lookit me fly away!

I must say though that they do not seem to mind reusing costumes from Halloween’s past. Lemon and Nectarine were wearing the pumpkin costume and Mango was reveling in her witch costume (and using them for some kind of games) a good month prior to them Trick-or-Treating.

I am lacking in pictures of them trashing my leaf pile (multiple times), playing in mud, and other end of summer activities.

As my grade school teacher would’ve said, ‘c’est la vie’

M – until next time.

Side note: D is good for marking milestones in their lives. It probably runs in her family.